Due to the ongoing transportworker strike in Norway, I was afraid that Lotta's package from me in the swap at Mönster-arkivet would be stuck in Oslo, but in Monday she got it! Luckily, Lotta liked the pin cushion I made, and I'm pretty happy with it, too! :)
Jeg har aldri laget en biscornu før, og har lest i diverse tutorials at sammensyingen av biscornuen kunne være litt trøblete, men det gikk lett som en lek! Mønsteret fant jeg her, og den er brodert på 9-trådet tellelin fra Zweigart med hvit DMC.
I've never made a biscornu before, and I've read in several toturials that the assembling could be a bit tricky, but I was happy that I didn't face any problems. I found the pattern here, and it's stitched on 28-count Zweigart linnen with white DMC.
1 kommentar:
Tack än en gång! Den är såå vacker!
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