Mønsteret er fra "The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady" av Edith Holden, og funnet i The World of Cross Stitching nr. 154. Søtt motiv, som sannsynligvis ikke havner på veggen min, og ikke minst sommerlig :)
Og ferien var forøvrig særs vellykket, men neste år dropper vi Nederland og drar rett til Frankrike! :)
This year's summer vacation went to Holland and Northern France, in car. Not my first choice, travelling by car, but there's so much to see! I was in charge of reading the map (which was a good thing, 'cause you sure can't trust the gps...), and in between I had some stitching done. (I also started knitting a dish cloth, but I frogged it before we reached the southern part of Sweden...)
The pattern is from "The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady" by Edith Holden, and was found in The World of Cross Stitching issue 154. Cute motif, which most likely will not be displayed on my wall, and very "summerish". :)
And the vacation was a big success, but next year we might skip Holland and go straight to France! :)
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