Dermed var det også ergrelsen stor da jeg nattestid for en uke siden gikk tom for brunt garn. Smart-garnet jeg brukte ble kjøpt inn for mer enn to og et halvt år siden, og det skulle vise seg at det ble vanskelig å matche med garnet i butikken. Det nærmeste jeg kom fargemessig var Mitu, men på det øverste bildet kan man likevel godt se fargeforskjellen. Det gikk med ca. halvannet nøste Smart og litt under et halvt nøste Mitu, på pinne nr. 4. Halsen var morsom å strikke, og jeg har en ny en på pinnene, denne gangen med nok garn. Det er nemlig mye morsommere å strikke enn å skrive litteraturoppgave, og jeg tror denne halsen blir en gjenganger blant julegavene i år... :)
In my stash I have a Babette in progress with yarn for the whole project, but right now it doesn't look like it will be finished anytime soon. Why not use the yarn for something else? I took a deep breath, and started A Noble Cowl, and was hooked on lace knitting.
Unfortunately, I ran out of yarn sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning a week ago, and the Smart-yarn I had used, I bought more than two and a half year ago. That made it difficult to match the colour with the yarn in the store. The closest option was Mitu, but still you can notice the difference between the shades in the first photo. I used about one and a half skein of Smart, and a bit less than half a skein of Mitu, on 4 mm needles. This was a fun project, and knitting is much more fun than writing an essay for my litterature-studies, so I have started another one... I think this will be perfect for christmas gifts this year... :)